Request For Quotations #2023-01(A) Service Plan & Repairs for Atlas Copco Compressors


Notice is hereby given that sealed Request for Quotations #2023-01(A) for Service Plan & Repairs for Atlas Copco Compressors will be received by, the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority, Administration Building, on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at 11:00 AM prevailing time, at 1645 Ferry Avenue, Camden, NJ 08104 at which time and place bids will be opened and read in public.

Copies of the Request for Quotation may be obtained by contacting Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority’s Maria Ortiz, [email protected] Phone 856-583-1207 or Linda Doherty, [email protected], Phone (856)583-2306 during regular business hours.  Proposers can register to download all documents from the Camden County website:

Quotations are being solicited through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq.

All vendors are responsible for obtaining complete Quotation documents from the CCMUA at the address listed above. In the event of any inconsistencies between this advertisement, as published, and the Quotation documentation, the quotation documentation shall control.

Maria Ortiz

Purchasing Assistant

Camden County MUA

May 10, 2023